Last year, 15 million students (children and adults) dipped their feet into programming in one week for the Hour of Code - this year, we're going for 100 million, and Denver Public Library is proud to be part of the effort. The Hour of Code is a one-hour introduction to computer science, designed to demystify code and show that anybody can learn the basics - it's organized as part of Computer Science Education Week, December 8-14.
Come participate in the largest learning event in history - There's two Hour of Code events at DPL!
- Green Valley Ranch is participating in Hour of Code as part of their Before Hours Maker Program, Sunday, December 14th, from 11am to 1pm. It's for kids ages 8-18, and there's a bunch of activities available: learning game programming, creating a keyboard out of bananas with a MakeyMakey, toy hacking, designing a LEGO city, and much more. Because it's held before the library is open, permission slips are required (pick them up at Green Valley Ranch branch), and space is limited to 25 participants, so get your permission slips in right away.
- The ideaLAB in the Community Technology Center at the Central Library is hosting an hour of code (well, two hours, but who's counting?), Tuesday, December 9th, from 5-7pm. This is an all-ages event - we'll be doing some Scratch (a block-based programming language for kids), some tutorials from the site, some JavaScript - all kinds of programming goodness. Drop in and spend an hour learning some basic programming logic and having fun! There's no registration necessary, just drop in!